Tharepati had four hotels and we stayed there for a night. In next morning, the sky was clean and view of Langtang range was crystal clear. We made many clicks and clicks. Then, we traversed across the Betula forest. ... Indeed, it was great moment to see frozen Surya Lake nearby the pass. Nau kunda, Saraswoti kunda and Bhairab kunda were others small lakes. Soon after we reached Gosainkunda (4380m), I washed my face in the Gosainkunda Lake, and water was so so cold. ...
[xiii] Robert Passnau, Theories of Cognition in the Later Middle Ages, Cambridge University Press 1997. [xiv] Ludwig Witgenstein, Filosofisia tutkimuksia, suom. Heikki Nyman, WSOY, Porvoo 1981. [xv] Petri Järveläinen, ?Luovuus ? hengen ...
[xiii] robert bpassnau/b, theories of cognition in the later middle ages, cambridge university press 1997. [xiv] ludwig witgenstein, filosofisia tutkimuksia, suom. heikki nyman, wsoy, porvoo 1981. [xv] petri järveläinen, ?luovuus ? hengen ...